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A Booking Website

KBook was purchased off the shelf, but customised to suit our customers' needs. The software has a lot of nice features and layouts but does not completely meet the requirements. The site was futher developed to enhance the user's experience. It allows our customers to list their businesses and is ready to take bookings for their services.

Changes to the website include:
  1. Customising the interface.
  2. Adding widgets to allow better navigation, social sharing.
  3. Map and location integration.
  4. Google Calendar Integration to allow 2-way synchronising of calendar events.
  5. Changing the booking types - by timeslots or by services.

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Simple Home Page

The home page has a clean interface and directs the users to enter what they are looking for, then click on Search.

Simple home page gives what users want quickly. This is something that Google and AirBNB do well.

For new businesses, they can click on Add Listing to start adding their business profile to the page.

All Listings

The all listings page allow users to see the listings available in the category and location that the user searches for.

The results are integrated with Google Maps to show the results in the search area.

Listing Page

The listing page showcases the business and allows customers to load their own photos.

It allow users to book their services and get directions on how to get to the business.

The page allows the business to interact with their customers with Social Sharing, comments and feedbacks.

Service Booking

Customers are able to use the booking widget to book the type of services and select an available timeslot. The available timeslots are integrated with external calendars to ensure no double bookings.

Mobile Interface

The same webpages are displayed correctly on Mobile interface. The examples are what you would see when viewing the website from an Iphone X screen.

Booking on Mobile Interface

Users can easily see the listing and make booking on the Iphone or mobile screen.